Olympus E-5 which will succeed the Photokina?

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Olympus have issued a vague press release that a successor to the SLR camera digital pro E - 5. The head of the team of planning of the SLR ' Olympus said the company is working on a new body for use with its best "Top Pro" lenses, as the 90-250 mm F2, 8 zoom. Akira Watanabe "MS (s) that Olympus is actively developing a solution and will announce more details in a timely manner"-on the back of this declaration, we would expect to see at least a model in the Olympus E - 5, which will succeed the bi-annual Photokina show next month...

Press release

Olympus is working on the new body for lenses top-pro

Akira Watanabe, SLR planning Olympus Imaging Department Manager, today confirmed that the company works surely on a body to provide performance focus expected by users of the series Pro Top of lens as the zoom fixed ground breaking 90-250 mm F2 aperture, 8.

Watanabe was delighted by the success of the OM - D which was pushing the boundaries of performance for the cameras of the system but acknowledged that he was not released with the high range of the E-system legacy lenses. While more information was not forthcoming, it was stressed that Olympus is actively developing a solution and will announce more details in a timely manner.


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