Look in London exhibition

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The Look is an exhibition of the finalists in the challenge of photography The London Look. The challenge, a collaboration between the Horniman Museum and gardens and lifestyle and culture website Londonist, attracted more than 350 entries. The images offer a diverse view of contemporary London through the eyes of professional and amateur photographers. Participants have been invited if there were a definitive "London Look", to consider the varied style of Londoners and captures the essence of the city street photography, either spontaneous or asked. The London Look exhibition runs from Saturday 1st to Sunday, September 30.

Horniman Museum and gardens news release

What is the London Eye?

The London Look
Gardens and the Horniman Museum
1-30 September 2012

After a summer where the eyes of the world are focused on London, the Horniman Museum and gardens celebrates our capital with an exhibition of the finalists in the challenge of photography The London Look.

The challenge, a collaboration between the site Web of Horniman and way of life and culture Londonist, attracted more than 350 entries. The images offer a diverse view of contemporary London through the eyes of professional and amateur photographers.

Participants have been invited if there were a definitive "London Look", to consider the varied style of Londoners and captures the essence of the city street photography, either spontaneous or asked.

The competition was inspired by the current exhibition of the decorated body Horniman: Dressing in London, which reveals how a diverse population dress and decorate their bodies to find their place in the metropolitan area.  The exhibition examines how the movement of persons, objects and ideas influenced dress in London in the past and explore the adornment of the body of today world city of London.

London Look exhibition, which will take place from Saturday 1st to Sunday 30 September and coincides with the London Fashion Week will display the 14 finalists selected, which include the two winning images: "' who s that girl, Half Way to heaven?" which was taken near Charing Cross by Robbie Ewing on 26 July at the event of the Olympic torch relay, and "Sharped dressed man" by Pete Zelewski.

The judges included Helen Trompeteler, Assistant Curator of photographs at the National Portrait Gallery: "the final selection of 14 photographs to capture and celebrate the diversity and individuality in the style of London." Congratulations to all the selected photographers whose Pete Zelewski for his striking portrait of Mishael, and Robbie Ewing for his portrait beautifully observed a young girl lay on the evening. »

Photographer award-winning, Rob Ewing: "my image was a combination of skills and Serendipity." The skills - late night Sun - part gives you a beautiful long shadows, halos around people. I had then just to wait someone elegant, or with an interesting look, walk in the sweet spot. The part of chance has this mysterious young girl walking past a few minutes later. She was distracted be his phone, so walked slowly and I had the time to make the right focal point. People are so distracted by their smart phones these days, walking the streets looking at your phone is a specific aspect of London. »

Pete Zelewski, whose image also caught the attention of the judges: "my photo of student in economics Mishael was taken just off the coast of the Old Compton Street in Soho, London." I randomly spotted Mishael far and with its cool appearance and elegant, I knew that I had to photograph him. With the Sun any setting I positioned Mishael in the middle of Poland, shot down by using the streets converging lines to draw attention to the framework for his strong and confident. »

Clarke, Londonist Lindsey: "we love the photography of unusual, fun, original London and committed themselves to the presentation and to share through our online and offline channels.". Flickrpool londonist readers share their love digitised London now contains more than 180,000 images of the capital over 5 000 employees. It's fantastic to be able to offer these brilliant photographers and the public an opportunity to be exposed to the Horniman. »

Adrian Murphy the Horniman Museum and gardens: "we are very pleased and impressed with exceptional photographs submitted to this challenge and we hope that visitors will enjoy exposure either online via our Web site, or by visiting the Horniman.".


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